Adam Jackson
Adam Jackson
I think that would break passing a callback to `glDebugMessageCallbackARB` if said passed function (called C++ code that) threw an exception.
I... did not! My apologies, I haven't tried using it in combat yet. I was thinking it walked the history forward from old to new. I'm wondering now if suitably...
That sounds perfect.
I've started sketching this up for [Mesa]( and it's looking pretty sane. I might have some questions about exactly what gets destroyed when but I think the discussion above has...
[Mesa merge review]( is now up. @kbrenneman if you have any tests for this you could share that'd be cool. (I do not, yet, they'll be in piglit once I...
In Mesa the "max" swap interval is just `INT_MAX`. Presumably the max is there to accommodate implementations where the limit is imposed by the hardware, but if any hardware actually...
> Given that `eglSwapInterval` applies to the display, `EGL_LATE_SWAPS_MAY_TEAR_XXX` should also be a display property. In other words, no to EGLConfig attribute IMO. Just to be clear, when I said...
New revision adds the surface query, some extension interactions, and a few more open issues, and provisionally allocates an enum from Mesa's range. I'm hoping to have it wired up...
Updated (atop #114), now with updated XML and headers.