
Results 26 comments of nwgat

i agree and would be useful to have a option to stop the download when free space is low

@marijnkampf did you check the charset your server is using? it sounds like the server is using another charset, what os are you using? ive had a similar problem with...

meybe this will work https://github.com/HouzuoGuo/tiedot just brainstorming here (and yes its for golang!)

meybe it would be wise to ask the developer about that, am unsure myself

i agree with @ohhdemgirls a _historical_ record :P

kovensky your right, disabling display scaling on high dpi settings help on my display, but its not the most perfect solution, but it is a workaround for the time being...

i stopped using hexchat because of this, FYI https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd371771 the GTk or hexchat devs need to fix this, its been like this for years now this should have been fixed...

same with operator commands like /v = /voice

how do i setup this?, also is there a IP whitelist auth alternative?