Nicolas Vuillamy

Results 300 comments of Nicolas Vuillamy

@herenickname I migrated to [inquirer]( and now all is ok :)

The .devcontainer file in MegaLinter is an inheritance from SuperLinter and i'm not sure it ever worked It is possible to use MegaLinter as pre-commit ( @Kurt-von-Laven does it a...

@svsatish you can create a local `.yamllint.yml` file with the requested config for rule quoted_strings Default config used by MegaLinter is

To be honest, status check is an inheritance from Super-Linter, but since we implemented GitHub PR Comments and SARIF, I think it's kind of deprecated... :)

I'm blocked since today :( Please can someone check my issue ? ❤️ cc @mdonnalley

@przemekrcloudity that's ambitious :) But as with CI, servers are supposed to deploy (including deletions), not users from VsCode... are you sure it's worth the time investment ?