
Results 5 issues of nvnn

I run the demo and get this error. Please help. Command line is: ./tools/test_net.py --gpu 0 --def models/pascal_voc/ResNet-50/rfcn_end2end/test_agnostic.prototxt --net resnet50_rfcn_final.caffemodel --imdb coco_2014_test --cfg experiments/cfgs/rfcn_end2end_ohem_pascal_voc.yml --set TEST.SOFT_NMS 1 error: I0305 14:36:16.657363...

Can we know how certain is a prediction? I mean the confidence score.

Thanks for sharing great works, Please take a look at the result image below: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31887969/41834980-e47a8280-7890-11e8-9d05-cc6f8e767224.png) Its seem that the skeletons are drift a little bit from where it should be....

Hi, thank for sharing the code. I want to use [swish](https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.05941) to replace the current activation function. Where to replace it? Thank you

I am trying to run discriminator on generated images, But I couldn't make it working. I tried something like: `seed = np.random.randint(low=0, high=10000) test_z = tf.cast(np.random.RandomState(seed).normal(size=[self.batch_size, self.z_dim]), tf.float32) alpha =...