Praveen Potturu
Praveen Potturu
Content in blazor desktop and MAUI are served via IFileProvider. You would need to implement this interface to serve your generated content. However, with current release, you will not be...
`BlazorWebView` does not obtain `IFileProvider` from DI. It instantiates `PhysicalFileProvider` in a private method. The change that I see now is that they added a virtual method that we can...
Many times, I load two or more assemblies that reference different versions of same assembly. If ILSpy fails to find the specific version of a referenced, it becomes difficult to...
It looks like the 6.1 update in Visual Studio marketplace has this change included, I will try this and let you know.
The issue here I think is because the files are generated at build time and Test Explorer does not read the pdb. This can be confirmed by opening the generated...
I am not saying PDB is the issue. When files are generated at build time, Visual Studio does not know they are part of project. This can be proved by...
> At present, everything works correctly with this feature branch _except_ the navigation to source in Test Explorer. The expectation is that the explorer should link to the feature file,...
I got this working. Initially I tried my changes in master branch. When I applied my changes on top of this PR, navigation from Test Explorer to feature file worked...
Core of my changes are around when the generation targets run. I forked from your repo. I will commit the changes and let you know.
I created a PR in your fork. Either take that or take changes manually, its up to you. But I only verified with my usage. You may want to verify...