Nicolas Vervelle
Nicolas Vervelle
One idea to allow disabling the `NOT_NULL_ANNOTATIONS` on a given attribute : * Add a attribute `forceUseRequired` on `@Schema` annotation, with a default value as `false` * Ignore the `NOT_NULL_ANNOTATIONS`...
Hi @frantuma, thanks for the comments. I've submitted a PR #4216 with the additional property `forceUseRequired`. For your proposal with `requiredMode`, I'm not sure I understand all the possible values...
Hi @frantuma, thanks for the clarification. I've submitted a second PR #4221 implementing your suggestion.
Hi @frantuma , any hope of validating the PR ?
> I think forking will be the right way to go. I never had such use-case but looks like a good backward compatible change. > > I have a fork...
Thanks @dvgaba , [I've submitted a PR](
Following the fix for #1648 , I also updated to 2.10.0 and tried to remove all the `@SuppressWarnings("UnusedVariable")` in our code. It works for most of the records, but not...