
Results 17 comments of nutnutwin

Allow me to pile on this idea Hash would be great, and hash for part of the project name would be appreciated too for example > Work_AtCompany > Work_SideHussle both...

@ransome1 Hi, the screenshot you posted, is how I would love it. On previous problematic version, - Microsoft Japanese IME works - Google Japanese IME does not work on 1.0.6-1...

@ransome1 Hi, been a while > in 1.0.6-1 > Jun 18, 2021 this problem has been fixed but in > sleek-1.2.0-rc.3-win > April 12, 2022 this problem happens again. Will...

@ransome1 due to limited time I only tested Stable Releases It seems the degression happened between 1.1.6〜1.1.7 2022, March ``` 1.1.3 ➤Works Fine 1.1.5 ➤Works Fine 1.1.6 ➤Works Fine 1.1.7...

Should the text be scrambled too? just a thought nice to know someone else who use Sleek at work

@ransome1 BTW I am using autohotkey on windows. it can dertermine where the keyboard cursor focus is, by - active window - "control"(don't know if it is the right word),...

我有这个问题 多个PC上都有 刚切换到某个App(比如Everything )时候第一个字母会被吃掉 @eeeesell

我测试了一下好像是切换到Weasel 时候会卡一下吃掉第一个字符 用Alt+Shift的话不会(因为本身有时延

> > 1、I mean the software interface and the text of the settings in Chinese 2、It is not the same as questions #148 and #153 , please do not merge...

@adirh3 Great! Not familiar with Discord, but will see what I can do!