
Results 4 issues of numlockkey

Latest 1.8 version. Auto retry on error is checked. ![2019-10-12](

In Winboard pick New Variant ... CRC Psste this position: br2q1kr1n/ppp3pppp/4pp3c/1n1p6/1Q3P4/1P1P4P1/PBP1P1PPCb/1RNB2KR1N b HBhb - 1 1 Set Fairy-Stockfish 14 to play White. Try to castle manually by first clicking the...


Fairy-Stockfish is a chess variant engine derived from [Stockfish]( designed to support fairy chess variants and easy extensibility with more games.

**Input:** ```jsx MDN Web Docs ``` **Output:** ```jsx MDN Web Docs ``` **Expected output:** ```jsx MDN Web Docs MDN Web Docs ``` **Why?** The way it's formatting it looks weird....