Dr. Nandor Tamaskovics
Dr. Nandor Tamaskovics
Compiles with preCICE version 2.5.0. PastiX solver not tested.
Dear Benjamin, thank You for Your kind comments. The preCICE version of ccx_2.21 compiles and works fine with all native CalculiX tests (standalone ccx_preCICE works fine). Between the versions ccx_2.20...
Dear moderators, I suddenly have the same issue with my packages ggu-software and ggu-software-international, they are both trusted and up to version 006, everything went absolutely smooth. Here the response...
> > > phraseexpress.install should be also added: > > Chocolatey package: chocolatey.org/packages/phraseexpress.install/ > Log: gist.github.com/choco-bot/43f33a84932af4ee0a63386ccb5616db > > ``` > 2021-02-19 12:51:06,402 2284 [DEBUG] - Running Get-WebFile -url 'https://www.phraseexpress.com/PhraseExpressSetup.msi' -fileName...
This is a hot track, could explain the sudden series of difficulties with different packages with same sort of problem.
The date setting in the test server must be corrected and all package maintainers can try to repush the packages that have failed in the second triage phase.
The issue can be closed, correct packages work again fine, Best regards to all Administrators, Moderators and Maintainers in Chocolatey !!! NandorTamaskovics @numericalfreedom.com
Dear Paul, thank You very much for Your nice example on an asynchronous function call in NodeJS. Last night the latest cutting bleeding edge Node.JS version 12.10.0 has been published....
Hi @paulhauner, You can merge the pull request into the main branch, it works fine for the indicated and current version. Unfortunately, the V8 API is changing very fast, so...