Nathan Reynolds

Results 32 issues of Nathan Reynolds

### What happened? Firefox ProfilesIni.readProfiles() does not handle files written in UTF-16, I think. The following line ignores the encoding bytes at the front of the file. ### How...

R-awaiting answer

### Suggestion The table of torrents has a progress column. This progress bar shows blue and a percent for the download. I have an upload limit of a ratio of...

Feature request

### Steps to reproduce JaCoCo version: 0.8.2 Operating system: Windows 10 Tool integration: -javaagent on the command line to generate the Exec file and Jacoco Java code to generate the...

feedback pending
component: core
type: experimental :construction:

* Please do not post problems found in old builds, update first. ConEmu versions has following format `YYMMDD`, so if you are using old build, there are chances that your...


StreamEx has a method called ofPermutations(int length). This creates a StreamEx. I would like a method ofPermutations(List list) which returns StreamEx. The returned stream has all of the permutations of...


When deploying a container, the user can click on Ports and then Custom. A list of ports is displayed. The Host Ports are blank. Please change the default to be...


It would be nice to be able to open a Dockerfile on my hard drive and have the image created.

Please enhance Rate Limiter so that the amount of time spent waiting for the operation is less than a configurable percent. Let's say an operation takes 10 seconds and the...


In the hardware world, there is a concept of a watchdog. The rest of the hardware or software has to periodically state that is operating properly. If the hardware or...


Please create a thread tracker policy. It tracks what threads are currently executing inside the policy. Please add the following methods to the policy. - `getThreads()` returns a snapshot of...
