Scott Sutherland
Scott Sutherland
Thanks for the heads up Mike.
Sorry for the delayed response to this. I just wanted to let you know Ive seen and will hopefully be able to address it soon.
I have it covered it in the wiki, but it would be a good thing to cover in the functions as well. I’ll take a look when I have some...
Sorry I misunderstood this request initially. The following functions will show all SQL Server audits configured to monitor for common command execution techniques. - Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec - Get-SQLAuditServerSpec However, I do...
Thanks, I’m glad it’s been useful. Your idea is still a good one for all the reasons you mentioned. So I’ll keep this request open until I can find some...
Good idea, I’ll add that during the next round of updates. Thanks!
Thanks for the call out, hopefully ill fix this soon. When i do ill close this and #3 out. Thanks again!
Thanks @sbozek, great idea! I'll brain storm with Kevin on the best way to do this.
Hey @sleewharry, Thanks for the call out! I have not run into that in the lab or during testing. Can you tell me what version of Windows and PowerShell you...
Hey Everyone, I'll try to get that fixed in the near future. Thanks for reaching out and sharing the solution!