Nuke 🌄

Results 236 issues of Nuke 🌄

You can use the `--per-page` and `--page` flags of `clone student-repos` to pull more than 30 assignments per page and view other pages! Another user is also working on a...

I only need the latest commit state at the deadline (optionally - #16 ), or the latest commit (optionally). With 100s of repos, a shallow clone will likely increase performance...

Recently classrooms updated too support a _hard deadline_ so assignments can move to read-only post deadline. If you don't want to enforce this, but still want a snapshot of the...

## Description I want to always know what operation I am constructing and signing from start to finish. ## Motivation Specifically in signer, the workflow does not presently display tx...

Feature request

## Description A toggle to switch to dark mode manually, ideally a environment aware one that picked up on a OS level setting ala like functionality, cross platform. ##...

Feature request

## Description In the `stdout` logs running `Nova-Spektr-1.0.5_x86_64.AppImage` on Ubuntu I see may events like: ```sh 2023/08/17 11:22:19.579 [production#1.0.5]-renderer [info] > 🟢 connected ==> 0x1bf2a2ecb4a868de66ea8610f2ce7c8c43706561b6476031315f6640fe38e060 2023/08/17 11:22:19.830 [production#1.0.5]-renderer [info] >...

Feature request

~~I see `resource` used in and other places, notably is one that is intuitively exposes a collection of `func()` and I am guessing optionally a `constructor()`.~~ WIP covers...

Following the deployment guide I can get to: ``` cargo run --bin publisher -- --chain-id=31337 --rpc-url="" --contract=${EVEN_NUMBER_ADDRESS:?} --input=12345678 ... Error: HTTP error from reqwest Caused by: 0: builder error: relative...

I would like to use this app, but am not a google play user - I strictly use as an app store for OSS apps. In an ideal world,...

This repo should include only student-facing slides and instructor-facing notes on how to run the show :teacher: Looks like these are the only code examples we should move out into...