9600. Sure. Do you want my full Arduino code? It's a bunch of stuff within PIDs, displays, sensor readings, etc in it.
All right. I'm having issues with the code format when transferring from Arduino to Githubs so I've uploaded the code here: EDIT: I should mention that I run Linux...
Output is the PWM-output from the PID, which can only change if you've connected to the pressure sensor. I've tried reading the output as well as the pressure reading, and...
I actually do get the initial value but it keeps plotting the same when in fact the value does change. Let's say over a period of 30s, the PWM ("Output")...
So I've tried both things without success (both are placed in the very far end of void loop(): ``` Input = analogRead(PIN_INPUT); myPID.Compute(); analogWrite(PIN_OUTPUT, Output); // time_now = millis(); //...
It definitely works better. Not 100% since I get some occasional errors, hang-ups, during for example pause/resume but it still works more often than not.