Chase James

Results 8 comments of Chase James

@sargun in the meantime, i've had success using the rebar3_auto plugin:

I'll need to try these changes locally, but looks good.

Could you update your PR to replace [line 14]( with `.*` and removing the changes you made to find_cmd.awk?

Did you try it? I just did using the example/site in the repo and it works for me.

zodiac currently only supports POSIX sh and awk. do you have a docker image with dash and mawk that you can share that I can test against? I can try...

This looks related: Looks like it might work if we count the elements in the arrays manually or by using split without using `length()`. find_cmd.awk dynamically builds the find...

The usage of `length()` may be the only culprit, but I'll need to test it on a vm/system with dash and mawk to make sure its compatible.

@Ninfomane I know this is ancient. Sorry :(. But could you tell me what OS you were using? I want to try to duplicate this.