
Results 7 issues of Nueko

fix #28 fix overflow sidenav tab not overflowed

I think we should remove the shadow-piercing for clarify

Hi, running `npm run run:android` throwing `Task 'android'' is not in your gulpfile`. I solve this by changing the single quote on the scripts.

### Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*? Feature #### Feature Request I see that we miss the print utilities where old angular has `hide-print`, `layout-print`,...

Change the short open tags to regular tags so everyone can use it without edit php.ini especialy nginx users

Hi, I have issue when provide numeric on the search bar specially zero based value, it won't filtered. Thanks.

Hello, can you provide example with remote server, please.. following the example throws this error ``` Uncaught TypeError: defaultDB.signup is not a function at Object.createUser (eval at (app.js:1920), :58:21) at...