Truong Nguyen
Truong Nguyen
I think this approach is really promising. (Reduce the test running time, Be able to handle async tasks so we can scale easier in the future,…) I still have some...
Hi @Rohitbels Thanks for reporting this. `jest-preview` doesn't require `sass` to work if your project doesn't contain `.scss` or `.sass` files. Does your project use sass? If not, can you...
@vudjustin Can you try to use `sassLoadPaths : ['src']` in `jestPreviewConfigure `? `sassLoadPaths` is where jest-preview finds your `scss` imports. Example: `@import 'static/style/_variables.scss';`, if you specify `sassLoadPaths : ['src']`, jest-preview...
@mikeb-meq Thank you for your detailed issue description. Your solution does make sense. I think `sassResources` might be the suitable name for the config that accepts an array of Sass...
Hi @mikeb-meq `jest-preview` has an [issue]( with `update-notifier@6`, which is resolved by this [PR]( You can update `src/cli/index.ts` to temporarily resolve this issue from your local machine: ```javascript import {...
Hi @mikeb-meq Looks like I can still link `jest-preview` locally without seeing the above error. Can you provide the steps that you followed, the node, and the npm version that...
Hi @mikeb-meq Thanks for your PR. Let's help to update the documentation for jestPreviewConfigure.
@mikeb-meq I've added some comments to the PR, please help to take a look. Thank you again.
> @ntt261298 I apologize but I have been unable to spend extra time at my computer recently due to some health issues. Thank you for assistance with the CI problems....