Neeraj Swarnkar
Neeraj Swarnkar
It says that it failed while acquiring DHCP. But ifI use softether client, it successfully connects. Please check logs below. 2021-06-21 08:54:49.782 OpenVPN Session 847 ( -> Channel 0:...
Let me try.
@ch > btw, @davidebeatrici , in OpenVPN itself is very strange (compatibility) setting called "topology". > by default, if topology is not specified it means "net30" and it is very...
@chipitsine I tried with topology subnet, it fails. Please note that SecureNat and Virtual DHCP function is enabled on the hub, to which we are connecting. Mon Jun 21 16:27:32...
Network mask is IP Range assigned by DHCP given as to
But we are not passsing it anywhere. I told above about my Hub configuration.
@chipitsine I found this link, which is one year older, which says that topology subnet is not supported. Could you advice is it supported by SoftEther? What version of...
I installed the latest version. Hub created, user created. Connection with OpenVPN fails. "Channel 0: Failed to connect a channel". Could you help?
Neither softether client is getting connected, issue is getting DHCP address.
> I solved this problem by adding below in first line of nginx.conf. > `user root` > **It's Ridha Ben Njima's answer.** > > This is the issue, which...