Nico Stapelbroek

Results 11 comments of Nico Stapelbroek

Hi @BraunLukas , Thank you for your suggestion. Feel free to submit a Pull Request with the change and a small test to proof your issue is fixed. I'm happy...

Although no weird behaviour, the logs still hint that we might be having multiple discovery runs in parallel. Would make sense to eliminate this behaviour with some tests: ``` envoy_control-plane.1.1ibzu8x0sp0o@x...

Leaving this off [the MVP board]( for now

@rmasters Did you have any chance to look at the changes? Let me know if you need anything changed.

Hey Ross, did you get a chance to look at this? Edit: anyone looking for an implementation for Laravel 5, you can use

I see, thanks for the heads up :) I think replacing only with a specific prefix makes sense as this is a common practice in some bundlers like vite or...

`envsubst` has a build in filter: seems hopefull

I pushed a fix in [d1e7885]( and the `latest` docker image tag. You can now filter the environment variables that we'll be replacing by setting the `NGINX_ENVSUBST_FILTER` environment variable. This...

@rick-nu Correct, assuming that you're passing the environment variables it will only replace the onces you are filtering text value in file | passed environment variable | passed nginx filter...