RustRoguelike copied to clipboard
This Rust Roguelike is a Roguelike written in Rust.
This issue tracks the idea of trying out a new resource called stamina. Stamina would be something like: five bars wall jumps, attacks use 1 of 5 and recover when...
Currently tall grass only occurs due to grass skills. This could be used in level generation for a little more variety.
The mechanics spreadsheet indicates that there is a throwing slot, which sounds like it would contain any thrown item. Currently the thrown item slot only holds stones. We could move...
I had a situation where two Armil golems sort of circled one another continuously in investigation mode. [action_log.txt](
Map size
The game might play out better if the map was longer than it is tall. We will have to figure out how to implement this idea.
I'm not 100% sure what happened here exactly. I was near a golem and I made a grass wall. The golem then saw me through the grass wall and broke...
Armil's should follow the player. If they are one tile away from the player, they explode. Area of effect is 3 tiles. 1 damage to player. 1 turn of stun...
It seems like we should make a list of sprites in the main sprite sheet (rustrogueliketiles.png), similar to the sprite atlas. This way we can make sure we have them...
Currently the sprite sheet system doesn't really understand multiple vs single sprite lines in the atlas file. This is usually fine, but we use a weird way to determine whether...