RustRoguelike copied to clipboard
This Rust Roguelike is a Roguelike written in Rust.
It is worth considering a system where the player has both health and energy. Getting hit takes energy first, and then health when you have no energy left.
When to use render_sound_overlay? When cursor over player, or overlay enabled?
It would be cool to add some particle effects to the game, if it is not too difficult. The quickest and easiest would be simple pixels moving left to right,...
Creat directional attack animations, ideally for piercing, slashing, and blunt attacks.
It would be cool if levels sometimes had a specific type or style, or an extra trait that either affects gameplay or just looks interesting. Here are some possible level...
Try to have held keys combine directions so up+left is the same as 7.
Currently the sound visual is easy to miss- there should either be something persistent (perhaps only in an overlay), or an ability to replay animations from a turn to see...
For the full-tile walls, we should have a system where we can build a string of connected walls out of modular bits. These would be middle-bits, end-bits, three-way-intersection-bits, and four-way-intersection-bits.
I think that it is worth thinking about potential situations where the player's environment interactions lead to small chain reactions. These can be as simple as pushing over a column...
The player should be able to see at a glance if a monster is aware of them or not. I'm not sure if this should be always visible, like the...