Nishith Shah
Nishith Shah
After Step and Before Step hook is missing. This causing lots of limitation.
I am trying to build universal framework by selecting Scheme "XCTestWDAggregation" but it is failing.
### QAF Version > 3.1.0 ### Expected behavior It should support WDM with Docker with the latest version of WDM. Reference:
**Describe the bug** In parallel execution, it is creating multiple test run ids based number of workers you pass. **To Reproduce** Execute this command to run parallel execution. pytest --testrail...
I have merged multiple `xcresult` files using `xcrun xcresulttool merge ` command and generate one file of `xcresult`. Now, I am using `xchtmlreport 'xcresult-merged.xcresult'` command to generate `HTML` output. HTML...