Niranjan Shankar

Results 28 comments of Niranjan Shankar

Discussed this with @steeling over a call, but another option is to get rid of the crdconversion webhook (and server) entirely. If we look at the conversionHandler methods for the...

> For e.g., consider a field foo that has been dropped in the new version in favor of a new field baz. We want a framework in place where if...

@steeling @shashankram few thoughts: 1) Wasn't sure if "getTrafficPolicy" methods should be in builder or remain in response.go. 2) Bulk of route config building was happening already in route_config.go. Should...

Putting this on hold temporarily until globalRateLimiting has been merged, but plan on updating this with by moving some of the methods in route_config (BuildInboundMeshConfiguration) etc, to builder.go, and editing...

@ashwinpagarkhed were you also using AKS or was this on another distribution?

Update: The traffic policy objects have been broken up in favor of individual methods in `pkg/catalog` traffic_policies files (ex: GetInboundMeshConsterConfigs, GetOutboundMeshClusterConfigs, etc). However, we still want these methods to be...

I think there are 2 things here: 1) how to prevent future changes that make assumptions and 2) what to to about existing assumptions. For 1: how about a new...

> Thanks for the ping; I missed the last couple of messages. Docs are indeed under source control in the istio/ repo. I think a MeshConfig option here probably makes...