Nico Sauter
Nico Sauter
> > Tasks: TOP => db:setup => db:schema:load_if_ruby => db:create > > (See full trace by running task with --trace) > > That failed! Perhaps your configuration is not right...
Well, sorry. I've meant /var/run/postgresql, i did not enter localhost. As i Said, i basically just pressed return.
I have the same issue. I added my files in the resources directory and executed `cordova-res android` rebuild via `ionic build` and compiled the app via android studio. Nothing changed....
Maybe i can help with this issue? I have a Wansview Cam with the exact same error. What exactly do you need to debug this?
Here is a PCAP Dump of the cam via ffplay. Maybe that helps [](
Can you please tell me the correct test? Unfortunately i have never used the cli so i dont know what exactly should work and what not. So far i did...
I got help and managed to execute the corret command: `./retina mp4 --url rtsp:// --username USER --password PW test.mp4` With that i recieved a video file without errors.
Is there anything new here? Are you planning to implement that or is this still on hold?
Still broken for me.
How long did you wait? It seems like the docker Process needs a new minutes for its startup. Which RasPi are you using?