Nicolai Safai
Nicolai Safai
Confirming I experienced the same issue, unable to access a `{{user}}` (res.locals.user) inside an `{{#each array as |item|}}` @WeiGrand 's solution worked for. ```{{}}```
@aayushsin sorry for the delay on my end. Did you ever resolve your issue? Sadly I believe @nickwang0808 may be correct.
Hey @niksy sorry I missed your comment. Just seeing it now. @suprmat95 glad you commented so this got brought to my attention. I would be willing to accept a PR...
Would these other units be useful to others or exclusively your project? Can you share some examples? On Mar 1, 2021, 03:36 -0800, suprmat95 , wrote: > Can I also...
In this case, I think the unit would just be this part: leaf/foglia sachet/bustina stick/panetto Right? On Mar 1, 2021, 08:36 -0800, suprmat95 , wrote: > absolutely for everyone: >...
Hey @suprmat95 you don't have permission to push to master but you should have permission to raise a PR. A couple other people (who I haven't given any special permissions...
@daenatrillium sorry for missing your PR until now - my notifications were unfortunately turned off. Thanks for putting up this PR and bringing up the issue in the first place....