I've created custom taxonomies. With root MINIFEST.json, schema_mapping.json, and schema.json. Then several folders with the custom taxonomy following the MISP Taxonomy format: https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-dulaunoy-misp-taxonomy-format-07.html The first time I did it, it...
After some debbugging and brute forcing I found out how to do it, here is an example for the user-agent. It should be configured in **application.conf** file. ``` misp{ attribute.mapping...
You can do a **find / -name user.h**, to find where is the user lib. In my Kali, it is at "/usr/include/sys/user.h". I've added to the file **#include **
My suggestion is that you read the documentation, you can start with these ones: https://github.com/TheHive-Project/CortexDocs https://thehive-project.github.io/Cortex-Analyzers/
I think this request is more suitable fot Cortex-Analyzers repository: https://github.com/TheHive-Project/Cortex-Analyzers Or you can try reach the author, normally info is on the configuration JSON files: https://github.com/TheHive-Project/Cortex-Analyzers/blob/master/analyzers/Urlscan.io/Urlscan_Scan.json
Did you try to analyze a memory dump using your created volatility profile out of cuckoo automatic execution? The message you get there "AddrSpaceError: No suitable address space mapping found"...