Nikitas Rontsis

Results 42 comments of Nikitas Rontsis

As a temporary workaround, I am using the following option: ![Screenshot 2021-03-22 at 13 06 51]( in the run configuration.

It seems that, for the example above, most of the memory is allocated in `orthonormal.jl`, function `basistransform!`. Can I ask why not to use a package like [ElasticArrays.jl]( for `OrthonormalBasis`?...

The problem appears inside a bigger iterative method of mine. While trying to create a minimal example, I noticed that calling again `eigsolve` on the same matrix with the same...

Okay, thank you. I will check again my code and come back to you.

Minimal example: Download [the attached JLD2]( and run: ``` using KrylovKit using JLD2 @load "error.jld2" A x0 λ, V, info = eigsolve(A, x0, 2, :LR) ```

```julia julia> versioninfo() Julia Version 1.0.1 Commit 0d713926f8 (2018-09-29 19:05 UTC) Platform Info: OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0) CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5557U CPU @ 3.10GHz WORD_SIZE: 64 LIBM: libopenlibm LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.0 (ORCJIT,...

Perhaps I am missing something, but what is preventing you from doing this sorting at the very end?

Thanks. It is not very urgent. As a temporal solution, I use a `try/catch` statement that calls again `eigsolve` when it fails. This seems to work for now.

Thanks for coming back to this! For what it's worth, I was interested in the *two* rightmost eigevalues. The eigenproblem in question arose from solving a Trust Region Suproblem. It...