
Results 46 comments of nrherron92

same user following up HS-175135

HS-197033 -- I'll give her the custom CSS as a work around!

@eri-trabiccolo okay taking the shortcode out of the columns did fix the star issue! I could manually add the address back without the stars taking over. Part 2 of the...

@eri-trabiccolo Only our username(reusable) returns. Our address reusable does not.

@thomasplevy it seems like it's causing him issues where his users just leave Alabama and don't choose their own state. I don't think it needs to necessarily be fixed this...

@thomasplevy For this user the issue seems to be that her students expect their (for example) chrome autofill to take over and this is not updating Alabama to the autofill...

maybe this is related: there is no way to change the instructor on a membership. The author settings doesn't show at all the way it does with courses in quick...