My plans for ShapML can be found on the Discourse site--[](, but I'm posting here for posterity sake. Just sitting down for the first refactor/feature additions today. I'll code with...
Thanks. I wish that I could keep it more updated but such is life :) I think that I follow. I've organized datasets for applied forecasting problems in a similar...
If you're talking about the column names--for example `feature_lag_1`--, the "1" is the lookback in dataset rows. So it's important to make sure that there aren't any gaps in data...
`reconcile_forecasts()` will be the new function.
Temporal forecast reconciliation has been added; still need to add hierarchical and cross-temporal that does both groups and planning horizons simultaneously. Incoming notebook that combines an ML model at the...
The temporal forecast reconciliation notebook has been uploaded.
Working on hierarchical and grouped time series reconciliation now. This should fit nicely with the existing API for `reconcile_forecasts()` with a single optional argument, `keys = NULL`, if you're passing...
Added reconcile_forecasts(method = "group") with examples in the docs. This method works with both hierarchical/nested and grouped but non-nested forecasts. Seems to be working, but unit tests are needed. Next...
As a first exercise, I'm going to go through the whole package and make all of the plots cyberpunk...all of them. This should help firm up the API so that...
Making progress. New example in README. For objects of class `forecastML`--which is anything coming out of `combine_forecasts()`--plots can now take custom colors and alphas for the forecast prediction intervals with...