game-math copied to clipboard
Free open-source math library for games.
Implement a line-sphere intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this LineSegment3F line, SphereF sphere) ``` Call that method from ``` public static bool Intersects(this SphereF sphere,...
Implement a line-box intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this LineSegment3F line, BoxF box) ``` Call that method from ``` public static bool Intersects(this BoxF box,...
Implement a line-plane intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this LineSegment3F line, PlaneF plane) ``` Call that method from ``` public static bool Intersects(this PlaneF plane,...
Implement a line-ray intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this LineSegment3F line, Ray3F ray) ``` Call that method from ``` public static bool Intersects(this Ray3F ray,...
Implement a line-line intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this LineSegment3F first, LineSegment3F second) ``` If you can, provide an overload with an out parameter containing...
Implement a circle-circle intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this CircleF first, CircleF second) ``` If you can, provide an overload with an out parameter containing...
Implement a ray-circle intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this Ray2F ray, CircleF circle) ``` Call that method from ``` public static bool Intersects(this CircleF circle,...
Implement a ray-rectangle intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this Ray2F ray, RectangleF rectangle) ``` Call that method from ``` public static bool Intersects(this RectangleF rectangle,...
Implement a ray-ray intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this Ray2F first, Ray2F second) ``` If you can, provide an overload with an out parameter containing...
Implement a line-rectangle intersection test with the following signature: ``` public static bool Intersects(this LineSegment2F line, RectangleF rectangle) ``` Call that method from ``` public static bool Intersects(this RectangleF rectangle,...