Nick Pruehs
Nick Pruehs
Similar to Rise of Nations.
Yeah, sounds about right :)
Yes, exactly. You'd just queue whole order objects, along with all data in it. Then, you'd use an OrderFinished (and OrderCanceled) callback to check whether the queue is empty or...
Hey @JaredP94! Sorry for the late reply. I assume that your actors don't have "Ignores Height Levels" checked on their RTSVisionComponent. Assuming that's not the case, the plugin will compare...
"objects of equal height seem to exhibit completely different vision blocking" Technically, this _could_ happen if you're you're not using enough tiles, i.e. we use too few rays to properly...
Sure, whatever works for you. I've got UE5 installed as well :)
Which repo is that? I don't think I got a notification - I might have just missed it, though. Filters show nothing.
It says "This invitation has expired."
Ahh. Actually, that's not what I had in mind, but looks interesting. I thought more of a very simple cover system, i.e. "as long as a unit is within this...
Hey @coolyoshi, have you been able to solve this?