I'm trying to use swa, but when looking at the code, I only saw the batchnorm update. How about groupnorm? Does swa affect groupnorm in any way?
Do you plan to release the pretrained weight for CoCoop anytime soon? Thanks!
Hi, I'm really interested in your paper and would like to reproduce the results on SST and Traffic BJ dataset. However, I couldn't find them because the links are dead....
When you construct the delta matrix [here](, the coordinate is actually in yx not xy order. However, it does not affect the final results because the sampling region is from...
Thank you for the great work. Could you provide a sample image + intrinsic matrix and code to preprocess the image to actually run the zero depth model? I tried...
Can we somehow extract the scene flow from the movi-e dataset used for point tracking?
I would like to clarify the evaluation setting. Because the query points can be sampled any where within the video (not just in the first frame), do we have to...
Hello, I would like to ask if all the methods reported in the papers have been tuned on the TNL2K training set? Best
Hello, When unzipping files,,, I got the following error: > End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not > a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk...