
Results 6 issues of npltr62

What should i do to access to this css ? `.table.b-table.b-table-stacked > tbody > tr > [data-label] > div` ![Capture](

I need to merge dynamically with a function, rows with equals values [](url) Do you have an idea how to do that?

Is there a way to display charts when i generated static files in Nuxt? i have blank page ... apex.js `import Vue from 'vue' import ApexChart from 'vue-apexcharts' Vue.component('Apexchart', ApexChart)...

### What is the bug? I'm trying to append smartfilter.js in my lizmap project but the function getAttributeFeatureData isn't recognizing. Is it a problem with lizmap versions? ### Steps to...


quickchart api is not rendering xaxis title properly like this [link]({%20chart:%20{%20type:%20%27line%27%20},%20series:%20[{%20name:%20%27sales%27,%20data:%20[31,40,35,50,49,60,70,91,125]%20}],%20xaxis:%20{%20categories:%20[1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,%201998,1999],%20title:%20{%20text:%20%27distance%27}%20}})

### What is the bug? when i clicked on baselayer selector, the baselayers switcher change but baselayers doesn't seems to change. ### Steps to reproduce the issue i use [this...
