Nick Petruzzelli

Results 6 issues of Nick Petruzzelli

When deleting an empty directory, I get an unexpected `error` event. If the same directory has any kind of content (other than empty directories), the expected `unlinkDir` event is triggered...


#3677 - Description to be updated - Tests to be updated

I want to run & preprocess files for the following extensions: - `.cjs` - `.js` - `.jsx` - `.mjs` - `.ts` - `.tsx` I can accomplish this with a single...

I'm looking over the code in `fnmatch.js` to see whether or not I can feasibly fork this and take on a bug I've encountered, but I've hit a bit of...

When executing `npm install --save orientjs`, I receive the following messages: ``` d:\code\node_modules\orientjs-native\lib\native\ warning C4996: 'v8::Value::ToBoolean': was declared deprecated [D:\Code\node_modules\orientjs-native\build\deserializer.vcxproj] c:\users\dev\.node-gyp\10.15.3\include\node\v8.h(10034): note: see declaration of 'v8::Value::ToBoolean' d:\code\node_modules\orientjs-native\lib\native\ warning C4996: 'v8::String::Utf8Value::Utf8Value':...


I have tried researching this and have hit a bit of a wall and was hoping the maintainers here could clear it up or point me in the right direction....
