Marcus Reinhardt

Results 9 issues of Marcus Reinhardt

### What do you want and why? While trying to implement the third party login via passportjs I have currently the challenge to change the strategy name. There are some...


Hi, i would like to ask you, what you're thinking about a possibility to decide, who can publish a book/chapter/page directly and who can set only a status like "pending...

:hammer: Feature Request

### Describe the bug We're using the TreeSelect component and an user told us, that too many items are expanded in the nested tree when he opens the component with...

Type: Bug

### What is the problem? After running the `blitz new` command, the generated code will be commited to git. The user who did this is not myself, it's I...

good first issue

Hi, have seen that the chart configuration is currently a bit "limited". What is included? * New property `barSize` in the `Bar Chart` * New property `strokeWidth` in the `Line...


### What is the problem? If we use `next.config.mjs` instead of `next.config.js`, the underlaying scripts aren't able to fetch the next config. ### Paste all your error logs here: ```...


### What problem does this feature solve? Currently the `TreePicker` component supports only the attribute to disable entries. With this behavior you can't use the keyboard to navigate between the...

status: Needs Triage
component: TreePicker

Hi, had the following idea and want to know what you think about it ( e.g. is it in scope of this package ). Currently the package has a simple...