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Results 17 Memacs issues
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As mentioned in #69, there seems to be an issue with having so many dependencies that are installed when a user is interested in one Memacs module only: > I,...

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The issue either suggests to reformulate the project's main ``, or to revise how individual modules of Memacs are installed. The aim was to install Memacs with the photos module...

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in this issue is mentioned for chrome, and in @alex-a-soto fixed the chrome output by including a title url in the note's name. It would be great if...

Hi, I've published multiple (simple) tools using Python3 pip. With Memacs, I do feel that my current knowledge and experience with pip is not enough. Can you come up with...

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Greetings, Thank you for developing memacs and everyone who has contributed to the project. I've been trying to setup memacs for my knowledge system and running into a stumbling block....

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See disabled unit tests starting with `test_add_to_time_stamps_good_case()` in When enabled and run, it ends up in: ``` in call_add_to_time_stamps return memacs.test_get_entries() ../lib/ in test_get_entries data = self.test_get_all() ../lib/

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A `pip install requirements.txt` runs into permission issues as a non-root user. Since `sudo pip` should never be invoked, `pip install requirements.txt` should read `pip install requirements.txt --user`.

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As mentioned in #65, when using [signal-back]( in order to convert the encrypted backup file of [Signal]( to an XML file to use with Memacs there are XML elements that...

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Somebody might volunteer for coding the append mode, where output is written to a file (instead of stdout as it is now) and new entries are compared with existing ones....

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