Novin Shahroudi
Novin Shahroudi
I'm trying to fit the RNN model on GPU and this is the error that I get: `RuntimeError: cannot pin 'torch.cuda.DoubleTensor' only dense CPU tensors can be pinned ` I...
It would be good to provide some guidelines or any consideration that might be needed to provide some pre-trained agents. I need that for a project of mine and I...
I need some other environments from the openai gym. Any guidelines to help to port the rest of the environments from there?
When run ```make run_soccer``` I receive this error. Do you have any suggestion? ``` th train_soccer_agent.lua -agent "QBNeuralQLearner" -agent_params "lr="0.0005",ep="0.3",ep_end="0.1",ep_endt="500000",discount="0.9",learn_start="1000",update_freq="4",minibatch_size=64,rescale_r=1,bufferSize=512,valid_size=500,target_q=10000,clip_delta=1,replay_memory=100000,n_experts=3,model='concat '" -opponent RandomAgent -games 5000 -eval_games 5000 -hist_len 2 -eval_freq...
I'm receiving this error when trying to run `````` script at scripts directory of the project: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 7, in s = sequencer.SequencerHardware()...