@jstrachan +1 I confirm I can now log into the console on a fresh install over an existing minishift setup. Thanks
Maybe we could add an option to postpone `fdatasync()` and `posix_fadvise()` right before we get out of the program, by registering files on some list and processing them in a...
If the user calls `close()`, we should indeed close it and not keep stale fds. I haven't thought this through yet, but the general idea remains. I'm speaking my mind...
I know there are issues about that in general, but in this specific case (rsync and possibly tar and others), it makes sense. Also, this could be enabled only through...
+1 for storing (or nocache-wrapper) in /usr/lib/nocache/ . it's cleaner and it's not a regular library.
Hi all, @onlyjob : in standard linux distros, you would actually have another daily full system scan: updatedb for the locate facility. That said, a systemwide solution (so not as...
@onlyjob yes, it _is_ an interesting topic, could you also take a look at the kernel source to see if I missed some way to do what @pavlinux wants?
@onlyjob :) well, there's a beginning for everything! I need a peer review @Feh, @pavlinux ... :hint: