I am also using colab however I'm facing a slightly different issue where the images are being copied into the folders successfully but then the transforms.json file only has 2...
the cell is terminating after giving me the message "Done copying images with prefix frame", @AntonioMacaronio do you know what could I do to fix this or what might be...
 No matter the number of images or frames entered, it only matches two images, this could have something to do with colmap, is there anyway to overcome it?
@AntonioMacaronio The problem still persists, I have been told it is related to colmap 3.9 and that colmap 3.8 would work much better and would give me better results that...
there's still a problem with torch sparse, when i used the command in the read me file, it gave an error: "Building wheels for collected packages: torchsparse error: subprocess-exited-with-error ×...
Also when I run without torchsparse, i get the images in the folder however I don't get the .ply file for the mesh, and I get this response: "Traceback (most...
Hi! Sorry I had an unrelated question, when I finished the installations and tried running the code on colab i faced an issue where torchsparse module is not found. Do...