When you say "doesn't look right", what do you mean exactly? What do you expect the gif to look like? If there is a high-quality source for the image, having...
There is a lot of dithering because you pass a value of 8 for `maxBitDepth`. If you pass a higher value, it will be less noticeable. I recommend using 16,...
The short answer is **no, you cannot in general avoid dithering with any gif exporter**, including this one, because the gif format is fundamentally limited to 256 or fewer colors...
The flashing is a result of quantization bit depth changing from one frame to the next, as it tries to use the highest possible value for each frame. The quick...
I did file an issue. You're looking at it.
If I understand correctly, if the `texFactor` is moved into the W component of `position` and the `vec2 texScale` is changed to use a `mat4 texMatrix` instead, it will be...
That's the testing/benchmarking data. The idea was for contributors to be able to pull down the repo and use the same setup that I use to test their changes, while...