Juan Ortiz
Juan Ortiz
The updates you've made to the structure look good. After some further thought, there's two caveats that I'd like to address here. 1. It's best if module names don't have...
If you're looking to benchmark a specific method's performance I would look into [JMH](https://openjdk.java.net/projects/code-tools/jmh/). What exactly to benchmark, is up to you. Stress testing would require us to create a...
> [This](https://github.com/luna-rs/rsakeygen) should be turned a gradle project I think it would be even better if it were a gradle [plugin](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/custom_plugins.html). The result would be an additional line in build.gradle.kts...
The `WalkingQueue` class does not test well due to the level of [cognitive complexity](https://www.sonarsource.com/docs/CognitiveComplexity.pdf) of many methods within the class, which breaks a few [SOLID principles](https://hackernoon.com/solid-principles-made-easy-67b1246bcdf). A redesign of the...
To differentiate between walking and running, the best approach IMO would be to make use of the [State Object design pattern](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/design_pattern/state_pattern.htm). This also allows us to easily implement other _movement...
I could be wrong but it looks like there's a type mismatch on the server/client. I suspect that this is the root cause of the issue. Luna via ForcedMovementUpdateBlock.java ```java...
https://github.com/luna-rs/luna/pull/220/commits/826565c32d53a5729ebc264285bb4a3cf1de3cd0 By creating an abstraction I've decoupled reading the logging settings from a file from actually starting the server. I also made support for reading settings from other file types...
There's some data that we'll need to get this implemented. ### Object ids - [ ] Normal altar(s) - [ ] Ancients altar(s) - [ ] Lunar altar(s) ### Sidebar...
There should be an error thrown when selecting ports in the rare case where all ports are in use. Given there's about 65535 ports available it is rare but, it...