Can we simply add this to `Predef.scala`? ```scala extension (inline x: AnyRef | Null) inline def eq(inline y: AnyRef | Null): Boolean = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq y.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] inline def ne(inline y:...
> I am not sure what the changes in the CB build files are for. @odersky Since this change will reject invalid language features, I just delete old flags (like...
I couldn't reproduce the infinite hang in LTS (3.3.3), 3.4, or nightly ``` > scala-cli compile -S 3.lts Stest.scala Compiling project (Scala 3.3.3, JVM (11)) [error] ./Stest.scala:234:26 [error] Could not...
I was able to reproduce on my another system, with smaller memory.
Hi @nicolasstucki, do you have any idea why the extractor for `FlexibleType` does not work in `Extractors.scala` and `SourceCode.scala`: `TypeRepr is not a valid result type of an unapply method...
Sure, I will review this today.
To fix the missing case, we have to add flexible types to `Quotes` library.
The nightly versions I found may related to this issue: * 3.4.0-RC1-bin-20240105-d2cc3ae-NIGHTLY * 3.4.0-RC1-bin-20240106-c15cc9c-NIGHTLY