Ilya Shlyakhter

Results 66 issues of Ilya Shlyakhter

### Does this problem persist on the current main? - [X] I have verified the issue on the current main ### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X]...


Is it possible with seqan3 to open a .bam file for writing in append mode, so that any records pushed to it get appended to the end, but the file...


Is it possible for seqan3-based programs to use only one CPU? I tried setting `seqan3::contrib::bgzf_thread_count` to 1, but the BAM-reading program still uses 200% CPU according to GNU time: one...


1) How do I test whether a BAM record has a given tag? 2) What happens if a tag value type in a BAM record does not match the expected...


The SAM/BAM handling tutorial ( is quite helpful, but is missing examples on handling of SAM file headers: how to create them from scratch, how to access them, how to...


## Platform - SeqAn version: 3.3.0 ## Question Is there a documented way to extract, from a pairwise alignment result, the alignment slice positions (equivalent to the coordinates[] list of...


## Platform - SeqAn version: 3.3.0 - Operating system: > Linux bpb23-acc 5.4.0-136-generic #153-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 24 15:56:58 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux - Compiler: x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-c++ (conda-forge gcc...


The link from to under "Tutorial" seems to be broken.

When there are several different alignments with the best score, how does parasail choose which alignment/traceback to return? Can it enumerate all best-scoring alignments, in the manner of BioPython's Bio.Align.PairwiseAligner?...

Currently conda-build output is only shown in case of failure. This hides e.g. warnings, and makes it harder to track progress. Would it be hard to add a flag to...

Build System