Now with more mobx and less data that doesn't exist. The `post.system` checks are just there for typing checks, the class itself shouldn't getting any system posts but that's a...
- Updates to latest slate - fixes (most of) review editor typings - corrects the method of resetting document and deleting last node. - `Slate.value` only used for initial value...
`message` returning `string` or `object` sounds like not such a good idea now 🤔 I just picked the simplest option to handle the first post typing (skip if it's a...
Adds support for elasticsearch 8, compatibility added where needed to work with the existing 6.x servers. - there is no longer a `_doc` type in the mapping schema. - `number_of_replicas`...
Largely skips logic fixes (`props.currentUser` looks like it could be removed, `beatmapset` probably isn't changing between renders, etc) - those will be done after other components are converted. Split the...
Starting with the simpler beatmap discussion components...
Clicking on `View Review Post` on a discussion will jump to the linked review will also change the currently selected beatmap (to default?) instead of preserving the currently selected one.
Largely `Transformer` responses wrapped in Laravel broadcast events
New version seems to have some really needed input and deletion fixes
The current `Throttle` middleware pretty much assigns a fixed cost per request; ideally, we'd want to be able to assign a variable cost per request or be able to selectively...