Paul Thompson
Paul Thompson
As it happens, I have a [folder](!ASBxRYrA!Ko01ovAqYRuPAKDuhj1V5-HpJ7eWe21OilyEelSCXpg) full of Beatles song lyrics. Hope it helps, in case you hadn't sourced the data yet.
No problem! They were all scraped from [Genius](, using [this command-line script]( and a list of song names.
As I suspected, this is not 100% possible with just starting letters. The problem is the letter 'z', which only matches lines beginning with 'Zounds'. These lines are pretty rare,...
I figured it out! `'Zounds` is formally a contraction. If I get rid of the leading apostrophe it all sorts itself out, without sacrificing authenticity to the corpus or deviating...
It's done! Full [output]( `wc` gives word count as 602,175. I've also updated the [readme]( to detail the amendments I made to the input, if anyone is interested in the...
More like Wolfram's [256 binary rules](
This is terrible and I love it.