
Results 27 comments of nosizejosh

tried on three different browsers, same results. Looked for a similar meta tag to update as described in the SO article but couldn't find in the index.html file.

still not working. tried a couple of browsers but same results. Tried to find the meta to update as described in SO article but cant find culprit meta tag either....

still unable to get this working. can you please have a look so I can move ahead with my project?

@JKHeadley thank you so much. My default browser is Google chrome and with current Version 70.0.3538.67 (Official Build) (64-bit). I am running on windows and for other browser eg explorer,...

saw this while trying to troubleshoot, knew it would work but didn't want to just fix without reporting, also my fix was actually to place it as dependency in packages.json

trying to create a pull request with below but its too much to clone the whole repo just for this small change. Adding the win-node-env does work as I suspected....

please help as this is a blocking issue. Tried so many variations and as at now what seems to be working is replacing > with > > @import '~src/imports/ui/style/vars' >

@mullojo > Also you may want to close this issue this previous one: #392 I already checked it and tried the workarounds but none has worked so far.

> Hi @nosizejosh I would recommend becoming a sponsor of @Akryum so he can focus more time on Meteor + Vue work. I'm a sponsor and when I had an...