Mirko Kovačević
Mirko Kovačević
Great product, by the way. I can't imagine every day working with Diametar without MTS.
Hi @terefang , great idea. I need this feature, but didn't managed to handle dependencies required to produce jar archive. Can you show us how to put dependencies in gradle.build...
@fatemehvahedi68 can you share how you implement sbcap sctp endpoint ? I am eager to help.
I added SBcAP ASN.1, and compiled it successfully. `ASN1C_PREFIX=SBCAP_ ../../../../my/asn1c/asn1c/asn1c -pdu=all -fcompound-names -findirect-choice -fno-include-deps -no-gen-BER -no-gen-XER -no-gen-OER -no-gen-UPER -no-gen-JER ../support/sbcap-r16/sbcap-r16.asn`  Download specs for SBcAP ASN.1. Rename file to match...
1. SBCAP FSM done, copy of S1AP FSM, basically. 2. Tried to decode one message, done. 
Managed to bind SBcAP and S1AP: 
...one year after.... I don't know what happened last time, with basic manipulation of **protoc** and **protoc-gen-go** `protoc --proto_path=. --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative s1mme.proto` code is changed.   And now I...
Hello, after building **upf_plugin.so** is it enough to copy **upf_plugin.so** to folder **VPP_SRC_DIR**/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/vpp_plugins/ ? and then do the packaging with: make pkg-deb in **VPP_SRC_DIR**
@pespin @acetcom Please take a look.