AlexCH Liu

Results 15 comments of AlexCH Liu

I also encountered this bug using v2.4.5. It only happens when I use a long index (.bt21). Using the same FASTQs with a short index works just fine.

Hi, I tried installing cmdstanr on a new machine and encountered the same issue. Is there a solution? Many thanks in advance. ``` > install.packages("cmdstanr", repos = c("", getOption("repos"))) Installing...

> Hi @heckendorfc , Could you elaborate a bit more please? There is no ```~/.cmdstan``` in my ```.libPaths()```

@heckendorfc I was unclear. The installation for ```cmdstanr``` worked but I cannot load the package. ``` > install.packages("cmdstanr", repos = c("", getOption("repos"))) Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Users/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)...

@heckendorfc Thank you for the info. I'm under the impression that I need to run ```cmdstanr::install_cmdstan()``` from the cmdstanr package to install cmdstan. I cannot even get that step to...

I ```list.files(all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)``` my ```R.home("home")``` and ```.libPaths()```. There's no ".cmdstan"

Still no luck ``` > f grep("cmdstan", x = f, value = TRUE) character(0) ```

@andrjohns I understand, but it's not there. ``` > f grep("cmdstan", x = f, value = TRUE) character(0) > grep(".cmdstan", x = f, value = TRUE) character(0) ``` ``` >...

Hi, I am trying to solve the same error. I'm running AF2 as a module on my institution's cluster, To address the permission issue, I copied the pdb70 directory to...

> The `ggsave` option does not work anymore for me either. This may be an R 4.1 issue, but I have not investigated. In the meantime, you can try an...