
Results 11 issues of norricorp

I have gone through the help and googled with no success. But how is a new namespace created in openwhisk? The default guest namespace is present when "wsk namespace list"...

I am using the openwhisk/standalone docker image. I created the container with sudo docker run --name openwhisk -v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 3233:3233 -p 3232:3232 openwhisk/standalone:3e3414c This works - I can stop...

The spring security code is left on feature branch. Looking at, in the tutorial, ``` @GetMapping(path = "/products") public String getProducts(Principal principal, Model model){ model.addAttribute("principal",principal); model.addAttribute("products", productService.getProducts()); return "products";...

Hi Alvaro I am going through your tutorial and I noticed a few tiny typos / omissions. But in exercise 2 after makin the changes in assets I do not...

I have compiled the code and copied jar to modules/org/soft*/key*/prov*/events/mqtt/main and created module.xml as docs in 6.2.2 of the Server Developer docs Then updated standalone.xml auth classpath:${jboss.home.dir}/providers/* module:org/softwarefactory/keycloak/providers/events/mqtt Running

Tested in my application but is there a test suite?

The docs show how to do the above. So my code is In a browser, if I try to http://localhost:3000/resetpw then that page is not found. And equally if I...

Hello, I wonder if you can help with this. Here are snippets of my code ``` import Time, { svelteTime } from "svelte-time"; import { dayjs } from "svelte-time"; .........

home/homeNotSignedIn.html Has copyright of 2016, (same as footer fragment) yet browser jpeg shows copyright 2014. fragments/header.html browser jpeg shows Messages, yet not in code

Hi Thomas, Do you have plans to add spring security to your demo with keycloak? Regards John