
Results 7 comments of Mario

Sorry, can you rephrase your question? I dont really understand it. The price should be visible on the product page.

- Did you switch on the configuration for the Extension? (Shops -> Configuration -> Nordcomputer -> Show prices for out-of-stock products)

There are some things, that should be set (outside of the extension settings): To show the swatches, the swatch-attribute must actually be a swatch-attribute (not a dropdown). Also, the attribute...

I am still not able to reproduce your issue - have you tried to use it in a clean (new) magento installation?

As there seems to be no further information, I close this issue - feel free to reopen, if it is still present.

I can confirm this behaviour....

I use zsh with oh-my-zsh - turns out, all I needed to do, was to set the font-family to `MesloLGS NF` to show the icons.