Ich habe Heizungsgruppen mit Thermostatventile HM-CC-RT-DN und Raumthermostate HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU. Um die Warmwassersolar-Überschusswärme zu nutzen überheize ich in der Übergangszeit damit die Nord-Räume. Dazu schalte ich die Gruppen in den Manuellen...
Here:  Or with custom column width 300: 
It seems like it's the same as I described it above. Don't know if the behavior has changed slightly. But there is an additional column which looks like a Unix...
Same with ASP.NET Core 3.0 Runtime (v3.0.1) - Windows Hosting Bundle Installer. If I see some system messages in German I always think that there may be something wrong.